Secure your spot today to be part of transformative projects shaping the future of rail!

Exclusive Networking Opportunities: Connect with leaders from Network Rail, HS2, Midlands Connect, and major contractors.

Access to Decision-Makers: Engage with key figures controlling substantial budgets, opening doors to significant partnership opportunities.

Comprehensive Industry Insights: Stay informed about the latest trends and projects shaping the future of transportation.

  £690   495 (+VAT)


Attend the conference and dinner to make the most of a full day of networking and hear leaders of the industry explain what they need from suppliers during the day.

Continue those conversations into the evening and use the event programme to identify who is on which table during dinner and meet with contractors, infrastructure owners and train operators to make connections that develop into business.  

✅ x1 ticket to attend the conference 

✅ Full conference delegate list

✅ Access an exclusive marketplace of buyers from Network Rail, TfL, HS2, TOCs & Major Contractors

✅ Hear key decision-makers explain how you can become a vital supplier on projects worth £billions 

✅ Connect with the top players awarding contracts and delivering Britain's rail investment strategy

✅ Access all areas conference pass including seminars, panels discussions and exhibition 

✅ Breakfast, lunch & light refreshments

 x1 Ticket to attend the networking dinner which includes

  • Access to the pre-dinner networking drinks reception
  • An exquisite three-course meal including wine followed by tea, coffee and petit fours
  • Full dinner delegate list

Registration / Breakfast / Networking / Exhibition

Grab your name badge, breakfast and start your networking early

Simon Elliott, Head of Rail, Transport for Greater Manchester

Breathtaking Rapid Transit Strategy for Greater Manchester.

Join Simon as he talks you through TfGM’s five year delivery plan setting out further expansion of the Metrolink, renewals and next generation vehicles as well as the absorption of heavy rail into TfGM’s Bee Network.

Jon Humphries, Project Director, Transpennine Route Upgrade, AMEY

Amey, are a key delivery partner for the TRU West alliance delivering projects worth £billions. Jon explains how Amey are engaging with the wider supply chain to establish key relationships.

Leaders Debate – Buidling a Sustainable Future for the Northern Rail Network

With this panel of experts we delve into the critical question of how to develop and deliver urban rail networks that meet the needs of Northern England passengers and rail freight.
Drawing on insights from the Transpennine Route Upgrade we explore what progress has been made and strategies for creating connectivity and how other projects can benefit.
We explore how to inspire confidence and highlight the importance of a cohesive, long-term strategy for urban rail development.

  • Philip Harrison, Director, Arup
  • Jane Healey Brown, Director, Arup
  • Phil Smart, Assistant Policy Manager, Rail Freight Group
Christian Irwin OBE, Capital Delivery Director, North West & Central, Network Rail

With a portfolio of works worth circa. £3billion during CP7 for the North West, Christian attends this well respected event for an opportunity to engage with the supply chain. 
Leaders Debate - The future of digital signalling in partnership with AtkinsRéalis

AtkinsRéalis joins the line-up to discuss the future of digital signalling with leaders from the multi-billion pound East Coast Digital, Trilink and Transpennine Route Upgrade programmes. Digitisation of the railway is opening the door to a whole new genre of tech based suppliers driving innovation.

  • James Webster, Director System Integrations, Atkins Realis
  • Caroline Crewther, ECDP Transformation Director, AtkinsRéalis
  • Samantha Turner – IPDR Finance and Commercial Director, GBRX
  • Paul Boyle – Head of ERTMS, LNER
Leaders Debate – How can we deliver a customer-focused railway in the North?

This panel of experts will delve into the question of how we can better connect the North and provide customers with more choice and connectivity. With the UK rail sector about to embark on significant transformation, industry leaders will explore the opportunities for the North. The discussion will highlight the importance of building rail networks that are not only efficient but also deeply rooted in the needs of local communities. We'll also explore the topics our customers really care about: affordability, sustainability, accessibility and choice.

• Martijn Gilbert, Managing Director, Lumo and Hull Trains

• Tony Lodge, Centre for Policy Studies

• Jools Townsend, Chief Executive, Community Rail Network

Refreshments / Networking / Exhibition

Grab a coffee, mid morning snack and a fist full of business cards during the first networking opportunity of the day

Leaders Debate - Legislative changes and delivering vital new and improved infrastructure in partnership with Mott MacDonald

Huge change is on the horizon for the UK railways as major bills look to boost holistic thinking, streamline planning and devolve greater powers across the regions. Join our leaders as we discuss the opportunities, changes and impacts, and what this means for the industry and the supply chain.

  • Suzanne Mathieson, Rail Director, Mott MacDonald
  • Liz Goldsby, Head of NPR and High Speed development, Transport for Greater Manchester
  • Helen Ellerton, Head of Transport Policy, West Yorkshire Combined Authority
  • Rob Bolton, Operating Strategy Director (Investment), Network Rail

Andrew Dugdale, Market Director, Mass Transit, Rail and Highways, Systra

Safer, faster, greener.

Andrew explains the role visualisations can play in revolutionising site-safety culture. By combining 3D models with project timelines, hazard identification, and project requirements, we enable teams to digitally rehearse construction. He will demonstrate how SYSTRA Vision improves site safety, enables faster construction and delivers environmental benefits.

Join Andrew to see how SYSTRA Vision can impact your next project.

Martin Tugwell Chief Executive, Transport for the North

TfN’s NEW strategic plan sets the vision, ambition and priorities for the region creating a collaborative framework for Government, transport bodies, Network Rail and the supply chain to deliver a programme of works worth £billions. Join Martin to find out when he’s pulling the trigger.
Lunch / Networking / Exhibition

Grab your lunch, talk to the speakers about how you can help with their challenges and network with new customers.

Leaders Debate - Designing the railway of the future in partnership with West Coast Partnership Development

We explore what is needed to ensure the railway of the future delivers for customers and economic growth. A customer-focused mindset is vital to transform our railway and working with innovative suppliers to find solutions to the challenges along the way. Furthermore, with high-speed rail on the horizon, the panel will discuss the role it can play in driving future growth and what is needed to make it a success.

  • Shamit Weinburger Gaiger, Managing Director, West Coast Partnership Development
  • Andrew Dixon, Head of High Speed Rail - Infrastructure Delivery & Development Programme, Manchester City Council
  • Amie Symonds, Head of Programme Integration, Transpennine Route Upgrade, Network Rail
Kevin Rayment, Reliability Process Manager, Network Rail

What does ‘Design for Reliability’ mean for the products your developing for use on the railway, what support is on offer to move through the test and acceptance stage and how will it benefit you? Join Kevin and receive the vital information needed to allow products to be used on the live railway.

Jo Griffiths Programme Director, Transpennine Route Upgrade, Network Rail

Join Jo for exclusive detail on the recently awarded contracts to the Transpennine Route Upgrade East and West Alliances worth circa £3bn, discover the next milestones on this mammoth project and the opportunities it presents for suppliers like you.

Councillor Martin Gannon, Deputy Mayor and Portfolio Holder for Transport, North East Combined Authority

The North East is home to an extensive section of the East Coast Main Line and houses a large volume of rail projects from new stations and new lines. The North East Combined Authority has an investment plan for the region that will deliver integrated transport, more services and economic prosperity for the region. Martin joins the conference to deliver the detail.
Apprentice Panel - An Apprentices Journey in partnership with RTM

Apprentices are vital to the industry, but whats attracting them and whats keeping them within this railway family? You've nominated 4 apprentices to take to the stage and share their journey so we can see the rail industry through their eyes.

Dinner Agenda

Networking drinks reception

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester

Following the cancellation of HS2 Phase 2, Andy played a key role in collaborating with fellow mayors and key stakeholders to explore alternative options for delivering high-speed rail connections between Birmingham and Manchester.

Lord Hendy of Richmond Hill CBE, Minister of State, Minister for Rail

The former Network Rail Chair now has overall responsibility for Britain’s railways and has chosen to attend TransCityRail to address the supply chain and present a unique opportunity to be part of a transformative journey revolutionising the industry.

Dinner & Networking - Principal Partner - Aaron Rail